Coming to Ha Giang, visitors can not only visit hot places such as Nho Que River, Ma Pi Leng Pass, Pao's house, Dong Van ancient town. Coming here, you will also discover the most beautiful cloud hunting place on the rocky plateau Chieu Lau Thi. Article by We will reveal to visitors detailed exploration experiences.

1. Some main introductions about Chieu Lau Thi

Chieu Lau Thi is a high mountain like a precious gem located in the middle of majestic nature. Perhaps, not everyone knows that there is such a beautiful place like this in Ha Giang. This location has become an attractive place of discovery for souls who are passionate about climbing mountains and traveling among the sea of ​​rolling clouds, immersing themselves in the natural space.

Chieu Lau Thi - The hottest rattan hunting location in Ha Giang

Chieu Lau Thi peak possesses an altitude of up to 2402 meters above sea level. This is a challenge for those who love adventure and are passionate about conquering high mountain peaks. The road to the top of the mountain is certainly not an easy one. You need to go through dangerous passes, winding turns and winding roads.

Chieu Lau Thi - The hottest rattan hunting location in Ha Giang

But all your difficulties and hardships disappear when you set foot on it Chieu Lau Thi peak. The amazing beauty has created an irresistible attraction for those who love adventure and challenges. You will find yourself standing in the middle of a sea of ​​clouds, feeling the immensity of the Ha Giang mountains and feeling small before the greatness of nature.

2. Address and fastest travel instructions to Chieu Lau Thi

Address: Chien Thang village and Tan Minh village, Ho Thau commune, Hoang Su Phi district, Ha Giang

Chieu Lau Thi - The hottest rattan hunting location in Ha Giang

To reach the top of this mountain, visitors need to move to Ha Giang city first. Visitors can take a sleeper bus or take a personal vehicle. The best way to go Chieu Lau Thi backpacking trip it's a motorbike. Please refer to the prices of motorbike rental shops to make a suitable choice such as Hagiang hostel, Motorbike Rental Ha Giang, Giang Son. The easiest and most time-saving trekking route want to share as follows: Ha Giang city – National Highway 2 – Nam Dich – Ho Thau – mountain top.

3. What season is best to explore Chieu Lau Thi?

During all four seasons of the year, this mountain peak is extremely beautiful. Each season, this place brings a completely different natural picture. Therefore, it will help make visitors' exploration experience more interesting and attractive. According to Experience going to Chieu Lau Thithere are 4 ideal times for tourists to visit and trekking:

  • September – December: extremely beautiful cloud hunting season. You will be immersed in a sea of ​​clouds, admiring the majestic nature of mountains and forests. From the end of September to the beginning of October is also the time when the terraced fields in the mountains of Ha Giang begin to turn into the shiny golden color of ripe rice. The landscape becomes more beautiful and radiant than ever.

Chieu Lau Thi - The hottest rattan hunting location in Ha Giang

  • January February: Around this time, peach and plum trees begin to bloom, creating a beautiful scene with pure pink flowers in full bloom. This wonderful scenery is a perfect choice for those who want to enjoy the freshness and vitality of the plateau.
  • Late April, early May: At the end of spring, water from streams and waterfalls pours down, the beautiful scenery of Ha Giang becomes more vivid than ever. Freshness and green create a beautiful picture.

Chieu Lau Thi - The hottest rattan hunting location in Ha Giang

4. Interesting experiences when traveling to Chieu Lau Thi

4.1. Admire the sea of ​​clouds

Arrive Chieu Lau Thi On a nice day, you will have a great experience. The clear blue sky stretches to the horizon, and the vast, floating sea of ​​white clouds creates a mesmerizing scene, immersing your heart in nature. This place is considered the paradise of Ha Giang region.

Chieu Lau Thi - The hottest rattan hunting location in Ha Giang

From the top of the high mountain, you can look down into the abyss and the surrounding mountains. However, nothing can block your view from the dense sea of ​​clouds below. The sea of ​​clouds at the top of this mountain is white and billowing. It is a work of magical nature, like a vast ocean of clouds.

Chieu Lau Thi - The hottest rattan hunting location in Ha Giang

White clouds float like snowflakes on the blue sky. Sometimes, they can fill the entire space around you, making you feel like you're standing in the middle of a hazy and surreal world. These moments make you want to watch forever, not wanting to take your eyes off the scenery Chieu Lau Thi.

4.2. Watch the fascinating sunrise

Chieu Lau Thi backpacking trip, you will have the opportunity to watch the extremely attractive sunrise. Visitors can camp overnight and wake up early to welcome the morning sun and welcome the new day. When the sun rises, gentle and warm rays shine on the sea of ​​clouds, creating a charming and valuable scene.

Chieu Lau Thi - The hottest rattan hunting location in Ha Giang

You will feel the peace and tranquility of nature and your soul will be soothed by the natural beauty here. Chieu Lau Thi peak. Enjoying this rare beauty is sure to make every visitor admire and remember forever.

4.3. Visit the small commune under Chieu Lau Thi mountain

On the journey of conquest Chieu Lau Thi peak impressive in Ha Giang, take time to visit Ho Thau commune. The small commune is located at the foot of the mountain with a diverse and unique culture. Here, visitors will have the opportunity to experience unique traditional indigenous beauty.

People in Ho Thau commune are extremely hospitable and cheerful. They are very willing to share with you about local life and culture, and introduce information about places to visit. Furthermore, the highlight of Ho Thau commune is at the foot of the mountain Chieu Lau Thi Perhaps the beauty of the terraced fields. The terraced fields here are located next to a cool stream, making the scene breathtakingly beautiful.

5. Other attractive tourist destinations near the top of the mountain

5.1. Tay Con Linh

Another check-in location nearby Chieu Lau Thi that you should go explore is Tay Con Linh. Nestled in the rocky plateau, Tay Con Linh has a high altitude and a direct view of green forests and colorful terraced fields. Tay Con Linh hides the enchanting beauty and magic of nature.

When you set foot on the top of Tay Con Linh, you will be rewarded with stunning and majestic views. Visitors can see an extremely diverse landscape with mountain ranges and lush green valleys. Cool streams and cascading waterfalls create beautiful pictures.

5.2. Ban Phung terraced fields

One of the famous places in Hoang Su Phi is Ban Phung terraced fields. The landscape here is characterized by immense terraced fields stretching from above to the valley. When the ripe rice season comes, Ban Phung is painted by a sparkling golden sea, filled with vitality.

However, if you choose to visit Ban Phung at another time, you will also be able to admire the green fields. Therefore, visitors will freely check in when coming to this place.

5.3. Hoang Su Phi market

Hoang Su Phi market is a symbol of the life and culture of local people in the mountainous region of Ha Giang. This place is not only an interesting destination but also a place to help you better understand the unique lives and cultures of ethnic minorities. The market takes place every Sunday, bringing extremely peaceful and slow beauty.

People of the villages will bring their products to the market to exchange and buy and sell. Here, you can also buy garments, souvenirs or specialties. Hoang Su Phi market is near Chieu Lau Thi There are also many delicious dishes prepared on site for diners to enjoy.

6. Chieu Lau Thi homestays have beautiful views and are suitable for staying

6.1. Hoang Su Phi Bungalow

Hoang Su Phi Bungalow is one of them Chieu Lau Thi homestay with a view capturing the beauty of the vast terraced fields. This place has a simple design, made from wood and palm leaves. With 20 bungalows and homestays, fully furnished and comfortable. Every morning, when you wake up and stand on the porch, you will see vast mountains and forests and rolling clouds. At this time, enjoying a hot cup of Shan Tuyet tea is the best.

Hoang Su Phi homestay also has a dining area. If visitors want to try dishes such as wild vegetables, bamboo-tube rice, grilled chicken, suois fish, and ban pig, this homestay will serve you most attentively.

  • Specific address: Nam Hong village, Thong Nguyen commune, Hoang Su Phi district, Ha Giang province

6.2. Chi Tai Homestay

Chi Tai Homestay is known as a place with beautiful views. Here, you will be immersed in natural beauty and admire the cloud paradise. From the homestay, you can enjoy a view of the natural landscape, from green terraced fields to immense mountain ranges. Especially at dawn or dusk, the scenery here becomes more mysterious and attractive than ever.

  • Specific address: Ban Phung, Hoang Su Phi district, Ha Giang

6.3. Homestay Xuan Sang

Homestay Chieu Lau Thi Next for trekking guests is Xuan Sang homestay. This place has a poetic beauty, surrounded by mountains and forests and vast fields. The homestay's design is not sophisticated, still retaining the ethnic culture. Staying in Xuan Sang, you can choose a single room, double room, or if you are traveling in a large group, book a dormitory room.

  • Address: Nam Ty, Hoang Su Phi, Ha Giang

Above is the best and most specific information about Chieu Lau Thi. This destination is currently being conquered by young people who love to explore and trekking. Wish you have a trip as expected.