Not only is it a favorite tourist destination for most people, Da Lat is also famous for many attractive specialties. One of them must mention food Da Lat fish sauce rice paper. So, what is it about rice paper with shrimp paste that attracts people so much? Is it possible to make your own fish sauce rice paper at home? Same today Learn about this specialty dish!

1. Introduction to Da Lat shrimp paste rice paper

Grilled rice paper with shrimp paste originates from a long-standing family of rice paper producers in Xuan Thuong village, Lac Lam commune. Starting in 2006, shrimp paste rice paper gradually spread to many places such as Da Lat, Saigon and provinces and cities nationwide.

Da Lat fish sauce rice paper

Da Lat's grilled rice paper with shrimp paste is a specialty that combines the essence of rice, the saltiness of sea shrimp, the sweetness of sugar and the fragrant aroma of garlic and chili.

Rice paper with shrimp paste is grilled on a charcoal stove and is crispy and crispy. When you eat it, visitors will find it rich in flavor and aesthetics. Fish sauce rice paper is placed in a moderate package, each package includes 5 cakes. Therefore, anyone who comes to Da Lat takes the opportunity to buy it as a gift or save it to eat later.

2. Instructions on how to make Da Lat shrimp paste rice paper

Da Lat's grilled rice paper with shrimp paste is now famous everywhere, from office workers to teenagers who love it. So how to make grilled rice paper with shrimp paste in Da Lat? guide you in 2 ways as follows:

2.1. How to make grilled fish sauce rice paper with charcoal stove

2.1.1. Prepare materials:

Dried rice paper, sea shrimp paste, dried shrimp, minced meat, chicken eggs, butter, pate, garlic, purple onions, green onions, sugar salt, chili, and other additional spices.

2.2.2. Preparing instruments:

Charcoal stove, charcoal, grill, bowls, chopsticks, forks, spoons, …

2.2.3. Processing process:

The first step is to soak dried shrimp in water for about 15 minutes, then rinse with clean water. While the shrimp is soaking, chop the following ingredients: garlic, green onions, lemongrass and purple onions. The next step is to stir-fry the minced meat with purple onions, then season with soup powder and fish sauce to suit your taste. Then, stir-fry dried shrimp with minced garlic from the beginning until cooked evenly, then put in a mortar and pound until smooth, taking care to separate the cooked pork and shrimp into two separate parts.

Put shrimp paste in the pan with cooking oil and fry until fragrant. Season with 2 teaspoons of sugar, half a lemon, and 1 teaspoon of chili powder until the mixture thickens.

Next, prepare the charcoal stove and put the rice paper on the grill, use a spoon to spread butter and eggs evenly on the surface of the cake, spread pate, minced meat, shrimp paste, chili sauce, dried shrimp, and green onions evenly on the surface. cake, then roll it up with chopsticks. Finally, turn both sides of the cake evenly on the charcoal stove so that all sides have an even golden color. Try pressing the cake until it's crispy and you can enjoy it.

2.2. How to make fish sauce rice paper in a non-stick pan

2.2.1. Prepare materials:

Dried rice paper, sea shrimp paste, quail eggs, minced meat, butter, pate, chili sauce, hoisin sauce, garlic, purple onions, green onions, salt, sugar, chili and other additional spices.

2.2.2. Preparing instruments:

Non-stick pan, bowl, chopsticks, spoon,…

2.2.3. Processing process:

The first thing is to chop the ingredients of garlic, green onions, and purple onions. Next, stir-fry the minced meat with garlic and purple onions, then season to taste. When cooked, put on a plate. Then fry the shrimp paste with cooking oil, season with 2 teaspoons of sugar, half a lemon, and 1 teaspoon of chili powder until the mixture thickens.

Next, heat the non-stick pan and put the rice paper in, use a spoon to spread butter evenly on the surface of the cake, and brush the beaten quail eggs evenly. Spread ingredients such as minced meat, shrimp paste, and pate evenly on top of the cake. Add chili sauce and black sauce and roll it up, finally turn both sides of the cake evenly on the pan until golden brown and you can enjoy it.

3. What should you keep in mind when making grilled rice paper with shrimp paste in Da Lat?

  • Pay attention to the temperature of the stove. If you use a non-stick pan, keep the heat low. If you use a charcoal stove, don't let the charcoal get too hot, because this will easily burn the cake and the crust will not be crispy and delicious. .
  • To avoid burning your eyes while preparing green onions, you can leave the onions in the refrigerator for 20 minutes before taking them out and cutting them. When frying onions, you should avoid frying them until they are really golden in color because after taking them out, they will have a darker yellow color and will have a bitter taste when eaten.
  • While pouring the eggs onto the cake, you must be careful to spread the eggs evenly so they don't overflow.
  • You must perform the operations of flipping the cake, brushing eggs, etc. on the surface of the cake very quickly. Because if you slow down, the surface of the rice paper will curl up, making it impossible to put topping on the cake. At the same time, keep in mind that eggs cook very quickly, so you have to be very skillful to make your rice paper perfect.

4. Top 5 places selling the best rice paper rolls in Da Lat

4.1. Ba Khuong grilled rice paper shop in Da Lat

Address: 61 Nguyen Van Troi, Da Lat City

Located in a small alley in the famous Nguyen Van Troi dining area of ​​Da Lat, Ba Khung's grilled rice paper with shrimp paste is famous throughout the region for its rich flavor, which is the crystallization of more than 30 years of baking experience. hers. The path to the restaurant is quite difficult to find. The restaurant is often crowded, so every time you come here, finding an empty table is quite difficult.

Da Lat fish sauce rice paper

The space of Mrs. Khuong's restaurant is quite clean and tidy. Although the restaurant is crowded, the design and placement of tables and chairs here is extremely convenient and comfortable for you when going with friends. The interesting thing about the shop is the humorous personality of the owner, sometimes a bit brusque but also often joking with customers.

4.2. Aunt Dinh fish sauce rice paper

Address: 26 Hoang Dieu, Da Lat City

Aunt Dinh rice paper shop is in the top of the best snack places in Da Lat city. This is no longer a strange name for every generation of students after school in the afternoon. Aunt Dinh's restaurant serves customers from early morning to late evening because of its reputation and deliciousness, so many people come here to enjoy it.

Da Lat fish sauce rice paper

Auntie's fish sauce rice paper has a unique flavor that is very stimulating, the reason is probably from the harmony of the crust, filling and dipping sauce that this place is called “uncooked rice paper”. fed up”. The restaurant can eat on-site or take away. If you have the opportunity to visit Da Lat, I recommend you stop by the restaurant to enjoy this delicious specialty.

4.3. Ms. Hoa's fish sauce rice paper

Address: No. 56 Thong Thien Hoc, Da Lat City.

Although Ms. Hoa's fish sauce rice paper is located in an alley, the restaurant is always crowded, and at peak times sometimes there is not enough time to serve customers. Ingredients and origins for making cakes are clear and quality guaranteed. The flavor is just right, not too salty but has just the right amount of sweetness, and the crispy golden crust looks eye-catching.

Da Lat fish sauce rice paper

The food here is not only delicious, but the owner is extremely witty and funny. Regular customers often call her by the familiar name Ms. Hai. Please stop by to enjoy if you have the opportunity to travel to Da Lat!

4.4. Grilled rice paper with shrimp paste at Da Lat market

Address: Da Lat market, Da Lat City

Anyone who travels to Da Lat will definitely visit Da Lat market once. In addition to shopping for clothes and souvenirs, the grilled rice paper with shrimp paste here is also extremely delicious. And especially, the price for each bag of grilled rice paper here only fluctuates around 20 thousand, which is cheap, right? If you have a chance to visit the market, buy shrimp paste rice paper to try, and don't forget to enjoy other Da Lat specialties at the market.

Da Lat fish sauce rice paper

4.5. Ms. Chung's shrimp paste rice paper:

Specific address: Alley 1, Nha Chung Street, Da Lat City.

Ms. Chung's shrimp paste rice paper shop has been open for a long time in this street in alley 1. The shop is closely associated with the childhood of many Da Lat people. Rice paper is famous for its abundance of side dishes, crispy golden crust, and rich flavor of shrimp paste. What highlights the quality of rice paper at Ms. Chung's restaurant is the dipping sauce. The dipping sauce taste is quite strange but extremely special, helping to bring rice paper to a new “level”.

Da Lat fish sauce rice paper

5. Frequently asked questions about Da Lat grilled rice paper with shrimp paste

5.1. Does eating rice paper with shrimp paste make you fat?

Grilled rice paper with shrimp paste contains many ingredients such as sugar, protein, and some other substances, these substances provide quite a lot of nutrients needed in a day. In addition to eating fish sauce rice paper for fun, it also helps you fight hunger. However, eating too much will not be good for the body and will cause excess intake. So, who is a fan of shrimp paste rice paper and wants to eat a lot without fear of getting fat? I'll show you a few tips!

Da Lat fish sauce rice paper

5.2. How to eat a lot of grilled rice paper with shrimp paste without fear of getting fat?

You must calculate the amount of calories you consume and consume every day. On average, each person's body will need 1800 – 2000 calories per day. Therefore, if you eat a little too much, you can apply the following exercises to burn off excess calories: plank, squat, jumping, fat-reducing cardio exercises, etc. Practicing the above exercises not only helps Lose weight but also improve your health.

Da Lat fish sauce rice paper

Grilled rice paper with shrimp paste is one of Da Lat's specialty dishes that you cannot miss. Hopefully the above article of has helped you gain more useful information about Da Lat grilled rice paper with fish sauce, how to make national fish sauce rice paper at home as well as the top addresses selling delicious cakes in Da Lat. Wishing you a happy trip to Da Lat and many interesting experiences.