Hang Do Son Pagoda is the first place where the spread of Buddhism in Vietnam was located amidst a beautiful landscape and immense sea. So what is it about the beauty of Buddhism that attracts tourists from all over? Together Travelgoda.com Discover now through the article below!

1. Some details about Hang Do Son Pagoda

Hang Do Son Pagoda Famous spiritual place in the land of red phoenix flowers. According to historical records, Hang Pagoda was formed in the years BC. Legend has it that Hang Pagoda was formed by a monk who followed merchants to the capital Giao Chau to spread Buddhism.

Hang Do Son Pagoda - The beauty of the first religious belief in Vietnam

Hang Do Son Pagoda, Hai Phong Located in a natural cave and has unique architecture with interior and exterior steps. Going into the cave, visitors will admire the marble steps, above which are placed statues of Buddha and Bodhisattva.

Hang Do Son Pagoda - The beauty of the first religious belief in Vietnam

Hang Pagoda is a notable spiritual tourist destination of Hai Phong city. Every year, the pagoda welcomes many groups of visitors from all over the country to visit and worship. And finally, he decided to stop at the ancient place named Ne Le, chose a cave to use to reside and open a temple, and later passed away here.

2. Location of Hang Do Son Pagoda

  • Address: Area I, Van Son ward, Do Son district, Hai Phong city

Cave temple with an extremely convenient location for any visitor coming to Hai Phong. Located in the beautiful Van Son ward, Hang Pagoda is capturing the love and curiosity of visitors from far away when choosing Hai Phong as a tourist destination.

Hang Do Son Pagoda - The beauty of the first religious belief in Vietnam

3. What does Hang Pagoda at Do Son have?

Hang Do Son Pagoda, Hai Phong a most beloved spiritual project of Hai Phong people. This is the first place in the S-shaped country of Vietnam where the Buddhist religion was propagated.

Hang Do Son Pagoda - The beauty of the first religious belief in Vietnam

In addition to enjoying and worshiping, you can also participate in cultural experiences and immerse yourself in the festival season at Hang Pagoda. Every year, the pagoda organizes many major festivals such as Buddha’s birthday festival, Vu Lan festival,…

Hang Do Son Pagoda - The beauty of the first religious belief in Vietnam

From the gate Hang Do Son Pagoda, Visitors walk about 20 meters to reach the cave where Buddha and Bodhisattva statues are worshiped. The pagoda’s cave has a shape similar to an upside-down bowl, surrounded by large blocks of stone.

4. Moving instructions Go to Hang Do Son Pagoda

It is a place of religious belief and worship Hang Do Son Pagoda, Hai Phong welcomed by many tourists. So how can tourists get to this century-old temple? Below are ways of transportation that visitors can refer to:

4.1. Motorbike

This is an active and convenient means of transportation for young people going on backpacking trips or for tourists coming to Hai Phong to visit and want to rent a car to travel everywhere. With this means, Visitors can follow Le Hong Phong street, cross Do Son overpass, then turn left onto street 353.

Hang Do Son Pagoda - The beauty of the first religious belief in Vietnam

Hang Do Son Pagoda, Hai Phong will be on the right hand side of the road. When arriving at Hang Pagoda, visitors can park their cars at the parking lot near the pagoda. After that, visitors can walk or take the tram inside the temple.

4.2. Bus

Bus is a type of bus that helps tourists save a lot of money. You can catch bus route number 19 from Niem Nghia bus station to Do Son bus station. After that, visitors can walk or catch a taxi to Hang Pagoda at Do Son.

Hang Do Son Pagoda - The beauty of the first religious belief in Vietnam

4.3. Taxi

This is also a quite popular means of transportation to Hai Phong Hang Pagoda. Tourists can easily find taxis at any point in Hai Phong city. In short, each type of vehicle will have different advantages and disadvantages, so visitors can refer to it to have a convenient and safe trip!

Hang Do Son Pagoda - The beauty of the first religious belief in Vietnam

5. The best time to explore Hang Pagoda in Do Son

If you want to visit the temple that spreads Buddhism, Hang Pagoda in Do Son, remember the appropriate time to visit here. The most suitable time for visitors to visit Hang Pagoda mainly during the summer, specifically from May to September.

Hang Do Son Pagoda - The beauty of the first religious belief in Vietnam

This is the time when the weather is pleasant, very suitable for sightseeing and worship. In addition, visitors at the beginning of the year who go to pagoda ceremonies and pray for fortune and fortune can absolutely choose to visit Hang Do Son Pagoda, Hai Phong from February to April.

Not only does this place have spiritual beauty, but there will be cherry blossoms blooming on that occasion, making the landscape more poetic, making it difficult for visitors to forget. However, in winter weather, from October to April, the weather in the North specifically in Do Son – Hai Phong will be quite cold and there may be drizzle. Therefore, visitors should consider the weather before visiting Hang Do Son Pagoda Please.

6. Ticket price to visit Hang Do Son Pagoda

When visiting Hang Pagoda, visitors will stop and buy tickets at the temple gate. Sightseeing ticket price Hang Do Son Pagoda According to the latest update it is:

  • Adults: 50,000 VND/person
  • Children from 1m – 1.4m: 25,000 VND/person
  • Children under 1m: Free

The above ticket price includes everything from temple entrance tickets to visiting areas inside Hang Pagoda in Do Son.. In addition, visitors can buy combo tickets to the temple and other tourist attractions with many incentives introduced by the tour guide or ticket taker:

7. Interesting activities at Hang Pagoda

Hang Do Son Pagoda, Hai Phong It is considered a spiritual place that attracts many tourists because of its antiquity and longevity. Coming to Hang Pagoda, below are interesting activities that visitors can refer to to have the best experience.

7.1. Pray, worship

As a spiritual destination, the first thing tourists think of when visiting cave temple That is praying for good things and peace for family, relatives and friends

7.2. Sightseeing and admiring the architecture

The next thing that attracts visitors is the traditional architectural style, bearing the beauty of Buddhism. Step inside Hang Do Son Pagoda, you can see the marble steps, above which are placed statues of Buddha and Bodhisattva. You can absolutely visit and admire the unique architecture of the temple.

7.3 Mountain climbing

Climbing at Hang Do Son Pagoda is an interesting activity that is worth experiencing when coming here. The climbing path at Hang Pagoda is not too difficult, but also has a certain slope. Visitors can fully experience this exciting activity with friends, relatives and family.

7.4 View cherry blossoms

Cherry blossoms are loved flowers around the world, and Hang Do Son Pagoda with a perfect location and a place to admire the most beautiful cherry blossoms in Vietnam. The cherry blossom season at Hang Pagoda starts from February to April every year. At this time, the cherry trees at Hang Pagoda are in full bloom, creating an extremely poetic scene.

You can view cherry blossoms at Hang Pagoda in many ways. You can walk in the temple area to enjoy the cherry trees in full bloom. Visitors can also climb to the top of the mountain to enjoy panoramic views of Hang Pagoda and Do Son beach, including blooming cherry trees.

It is a hot spiritual destination, but Hang Do Son Pagoda, Hai Phong There are many beautiful natural landscapes that are dreamy because they are located on a vast land and sea. If you have the opportunity to visit Hai Phong, you can choose Hang Pagoda as a place to stop to relax and worship.

8. Notes when visiting Hang Do Son Pagoda

Because it is a place of belief and religion, there will be many things to note for tourists when coming here to visit. Below are a few notes that visitors can refer to to have the most convenient trip:

  • When entering the temple, you need to dress neatly, discreetly and in clothes suitable for the spiritual location
  • Visitors should bring comfortable, easy-to-wear shoes to have the best climbing experience
  • If visitors want to experience mountain climbing, they should bring drinking water to avoid dehydration while climbing. And pay attention to safety by cliffs or dangerous places
  • Visitors should not bring food or drinks into the temple.
  • Entering the temple, visitors should walk lightly – speak softly – smile gracefully, avoid making noise and causing disorder. And don’t forget to follow the temple’s instructions.

Hang Do Son Pagoda It is a solemn religious place, so visitors should pay attention to the above things to avoid unnecessary things when visiting the temple.

9. Some hot places near Hang Do Son Pagoda

Hang Do Son Pagoda is considered the top spiritual destination in Hai Phong. However, with the advantage of being located near the city center, Hang Pagoda is very close to other hot tourist destinations such as Hon Dau Lighthouse, Nam Hai Than Vuong temple, primeval forest on Hon Dau island…

If you come to Hang Pagoda and have a lot of free time, consider going to another interesting destination in Hai Phong. These places in Hai Phong will definitely make you fall in love when you come here.

Perhaps the above is full of knowledge about Hang Do Son Pagoda. Through this article Travelgoda.com bring to tourists, wish you have a lot of knowledge to have the most complete luggage when traveling to the land of red poinciana flowers.