Tourists come to Hue not only to admire and see with their own eyes the poetic and loving beauty that mother nature bestows on this place, but also to explore culture, especially The culinary culture bears the bold Central flavor of this land. In particular, there is an extremely famous dish, sought after by many tourists – Hue crab rolls. Let's Let's explore!

1. Introduction to Hue crab rolls

Hue crab rolls has long become one of the symbolic dishes of the beloved Hue cuisine in particular and of the sunny and windy Central region in general. Having set foot in this once famous ancient capital, visitors will definitely have to enjoy this heritage specialty at least once.

Hue crab rolls

This specialty dish is also very diverse when people can enjoy it alone or choose to enjoy this dish with other dishes, still creating a harmonious whole in terms of presentation and flavor. taste.

2. Characteristic flavor of crab cakes

As said, Hue crab rolls considered one of the culinary quintessence of the ancient capital. Crab rolls are originally located in this beloved land of Hue a living form, similar to that found in some other northern provinces and cities. Crab cakes here are made from fresh crab meat and clean pork.

Crab meat and pork, when still hot, will be ground together to create a soft mixture, then added with spices according to their own secret to create a dish. crab rolls The taste is sweet and attractive to users.

Hue crab rolls

If enjoyed on its own, Hue crab rolls What will remain in visitors' mouths is the sweet taste of mud crab meat and the rich flavor of the broth. If enjoyed with other dishes such as Hue beef noodle soup,… visitors will feel a richer blend of flavors, bearing the characteristics of this Central region.

3. Suggested dishes to cook Hue crab rolls?

With introductions that make you just want to enjoy the dish right away Hue crab rolls famous, surely visitors will also be curious, so what dishes are the most ideal to cook Hue crab rolls with? Right below I will suggest you!

3.1. Crispy fried Hue crab rolls

Originally a living form, it must have been Hue crab rolls Crispy fried will be the first dish that visitors think of. With section crab rolls already available, visitors just need to fry it until it's crispy and golden brown to enjoy. Think about it, enjoying a piece of golden-brown, sweet-smelling crab cake with dipping sauce or simply chili sauce will make visitors want to eat another piece after eating one bite.

Hue crab rolls

If you stock up crab rolls In the freezer, remember to defrost the crab patties before frying them, to avoid breaking the crab patties and removing the outer shell when frying. After placing the oil pan on the stove, you will wait for the oil to heat up a bit, then put the crab patties in and fry for about 5 minutes, until the crab patties are cooked evenly and crispy golden brown, then you can put the finished product on a plate.

3.2. Hue crab cakes cooked with beef vermicelli

Coming to the beloved land of Hue, perhaps this is the dish chosen to cook with crab rolls popular and most sought after by tourists.

Hue crab rolls

That is Hue beef noodle soup. The broth of Hue beef noodle soup is moderately seasoned, has a characteristic sweet and fatty taste, not too boring, in addition to the usual “toppings”, there are crab patties with outstanding colors and flavors. The sweetness makes this Hue beef noodle dish even more attractive, making visitors crave it.

3.3. Hue crab rolls steamed with vermicelli

With just a simple cooking method of steaming, visitors already have a dish crab rolls Steamed vermicelli is extremely delicious. After being sliced, the vermicelli will be steamed with the crab patties for only 15 to 20 minutes and you will have the result of Hue crab patties steamed with vermicelli, extremely delicious and attractive.

Hue crab rolls

3.4. Fried Hue crab cakes

This is also a very easy dish to prepare, so it is suitable for women or those who are not too skillful in cooking. To prepare this delicious dish, visitors need to soak the crab balls with crispy fried flour, roll them in a layer of golden egg and then a layer of fried dough.

Hue crab rolls

After placing the pan on and heating until the oil is moderately hot, visitors will fry the balls Hue crab rolls Fill it with oil until the crab balls turn golden brown and you've finished this delicious dish.

3.5. Hue crab cakes cooked with Thien Ly flower soup

A flower that is very popular with people in the Central region and commonly used to make soup is called Thien Ly flower. So tourists, try to imagine, Hue crab rolls What would it be like if cooked with Thien Ly flowers into a soup? As a result, you will enjoy a rich, sweet soup with the delicious flavor of attractive crab patties. What are you waiting for? Why not try cooking this delicious dish right away?

Hue crab rolls

4. Suggest top 10 places that sell delicious crab cakes

So for tourists who are coming to this beloved land of the ancient capital of Hue to discover not only the historical and cultural values ​​imbued with local and national identities, they also want to explore the rich local cuisine. rich in this place, surely you also want to have finished products to bring back as gifts, right?

So why isn't it? Hue crab rolls huh? So right down here, will tell you the top 10 selling addresses crab rolls Delicious and reputable so you can easily find and buy!

4.1. Vinafood Hue crab rolls

This is considered one of the most prestigious addresses for sale Hue crab rolls In particular, do not add flavoring. Customers who come to Vinafood's crab rolls, after enjoying them, all rate them 5* because of the product quality as well as dedicated service attitude. Vinafood is also one of the rare addresses in the top 10 selling today crab rolls Genuine, enough for tourists to trust, right?

Hue crab rolls

  • Website:
  • Reference selling price: 250,000 VND/kg crab rolls Type 1

300,000 crab rolls type 2

4.2. Hue La Que crab rolls

This is also one of the selling addresses Hue crab rolls No less reputable than Vinafood. If you want to enjoy Hue-style crab rolls, La Que is the address you should go to. This dish is also one of the best-selling products of the La Que brand.

Hue crab rolls

Although the price is a bit high, the crab rolls here suit the taste of most tourists who come here to buy them. So it is not strange that tourists who choose to buy crab rolls here will continue to support this brand.

4.3. Hue crab cakes Green seafood

A brand that sells crab rolls More prestigious and trusted by many tourists, it is called Green Seafood. After being made, crab cakes here will be packaged and vacuum-sealed, ensuring product quality to consumers. On the packaging of each product are printed the production time – expiration time along with ingredients used and details about the product's location to create trust in customers.

  • Website:
  • Reference price: 280,000 VND/kg

4.4. Hue crab cake Ruoc cooked with Hue beef noodle soup

This is the one Leading reputable establishment specializing in providing all kinds of “toppings” to make the famous Hue beef noodle dish with more than 300 Hue beef noodle business customers in all regions of the country. That's why when buying Hue crab rolls Here, visitors will not have to worry about anything. Here, visitors will be able to buy special crab cakes, imbued with the flavor of this sunny and windy Central region.

  • Website:
  • Reference price: 120,000 VND/kg

4.5. O Phuong crab cake

Mention the purchase address Hue crab rolls O Phuong restaurant is definitely not to be missed when it comes to prestige. Crab cakes here are usually sold in boxes of 0.5kg or more, packaged extremely carefully and securely. The crab meat in the crab cakes here is abundant and guaranteed to be fresh, so that even if visitors freeze it in the refrigerator for a long time, the flavor of the dish will still be retained when processed. Hue crab rolls traditional.

4.6. Ms. Tam's Kitchen Crab Cake

With the desire to bring visitors the opportunity to enjoy many regional specialties, Co Tam Kitchen is always one of the reputable addresses providing customers with products that ensure quality and hygiene. food safety, so that once tourists choose to shop here, they will continue to support Co Tam Kitchen. And mentioning one of the best-selling products, it certainly cannot be ignored Hue crab rolls Okay.

  • Website:
  • Reference price: 260,000 VND – 340,000 VND

4.7. Mira Good Food crab cakes

Mira Good Food is a reputable address Providing home cooking solutions for busy people from menu design, preparing all ingredients in the correct quantities to pre-processing and cooking instructions, helping visitors save time going to the market and preparing ingredients. ingredients while still possessing a delicious and nutritious finished product.

There are 2 types here Hue crab rolls For tourists to choose from, there are crab rolls and crab cakes. Both are extremely convenient so visitors can quickly prepare them.

  • Website:
  • Reference price: 250,000 VND/kg

4.8. Crab cake Saigon Clean Market

Another reputable address for tourists to buy Hue crab rolls The quality is called Saigon Clean Market. Hue crab rolls Here it is packed into boxes with extremely fresh and delicious crab meat.

After purchasing, if you do not enjoy it right away, you can store it in the freezer and when you want to enjoy it, you just need to defrost it for about 15 to 20 minutes. The crab patties will still retain their full flavor even if you store them in the freezer for a while, so you don't have to worry about the finished product not retaining the “standard” Hue flavor after processing.

4.9. Hue crab cakes Traditional cuisine

One of the addresses selling other extremely famous regional specialties is Traditional Cuisine. A lot of ingredients are sold here so visitors can make their own regional specialties that they have enjoyed and want to cook themselves.

Hue crab rolls is also one of the indispensable products here. The crab patties here are grade 1 crab patties, with abundant and fresh crab meat. When cooked, they will have the sweet flavor typical of mud crabs.

  • Website:
  • Reference price: 280,000 VND/kg

4.10. Hue Gift Crab Cake Online

This is also a reputable address to buy Hue crab rolls Finally on today's toplist. The crab cakes here are packaged into 0.5kg bags with fully listed packaging information so that visitors can clearly understand the origin along with necessary information about the product they have purchased.

According to the restaurant's advice, if the crab rolls here are used to cook Hue beef noodle soup, visitors will enjoy a delicious bowl of Hue beef noodle soup that cannot be described in words, enough to see the appeal of crab rolls. here already, right?

  • Website:
  • Reference price: 110,000/ 0.5kg

So is the same with Travelgoda.comyou have walked around one more time the beautiful and dreamy ancient capital of Hue but with a very different image with Hue crab rolls. Hopefully with the detailed sharing above, visitors will be able to enjoy it at least once crab rolls right in this once-famous ancient capital. Wishing you and your family, relatives, friends or loved ones will have a journey to explore the dreamy land of Hue completely and filled with interesting experiences.