You've probably heard the word sour meat many times on social networks or advertising billboards Phu Tho sour meat. This is a famous specialty of the ancestral land. Right after this, Please allow me to introduce the dish and how to make it in the article below.

1. General introduction to Phu Tho sour meat

Phu Tho sour meat is a traditional rustic dish in the meals and drinking parties of the people in this land. Sour meat was created by the Muong ethnic group in the Thanh Son mountains.

Phu Tho sour meat - A unique specialty of the Muong people that you should tryOriginating as a form of processing to preserve food from natural ingredients such as salt, mushrooms, bamboo tubes, etc. After many years with many modifications and improvements, it is now Phu Tho sour meat becoming one of the pride of the people of the land of King Hung's ancestors.

Tourists who visit Thanh Son district, Phu Tho province will feel surprised because every few steps they will see sour meat shops on the road. Brands and images of sour meat appear throughout the Northeastern provinces because of its uniqueness.

Phu Tho sour meat - A unique specialty of the Muong people that you should try

Not only that, the name Phu Tho pickled meat will be found from small convenience supermarkets or roadside stores to large shopping centers across the country. Sour meat is proof of the intelligence and adaptability of both the Muong and Phu Tho people.

2. The special thing about Phu Tho pickled meat

2.1 Unique flavor of Phu Tho sour meat

Thanh Son Phu Tho sour meat The processing process is quite complicated and sophisticated, but it is because of the meticulousness and meticulousness in the processing that it creates such a famous dish.

To make a batch of sour meat, the basic ingredients must include pork belly, ham, lean shoulder and tenderloin of pigs with a weight of 15kg – 20kg. Pork is raised naturally and fed with forest plants such as wild bamboo shoots and wild vegetables to make the meat firmer and sweeter as well as ensure safety for long-term storage.

Phu Tho sour meat - A unique specialty of the Muong people that you should try

Smell Phu Tho sour meat taste has a unique combination of natural sweetness and slightly sour taste, along with the rich, nutty flavor and characteristic aroma of roasted mushrooms. Just try it once, anyone will love this dish, especially those who love to drink it with heavy alcohol..

2.2 Why is Phu Tho sour meat always rated highest compared to sour meat in other regions?

Sour meat was born with a “noble” purpose: to store meat longer to help Thanh Son people not fall into famine. Present, Phu Tho sour meat Having gone through many improvements and changes in spices, sour meat still retains the traditional features of its ancestral land.

Phu Tho sour meat - A unique specialty of the Muong people that you should try

Thanh Son Phu Tho sour meat dish is made from carefully selected and easily available ingredients. However, there is no other place that can imitate the typical flavor of sour meat in Thanh Son Phu Tho, with the harmonious combination of rich, fatty taste and a special delicious aroma that is only found here.

2.3 Sour meat for Phu Tho land

Meat Sour is a dish with unique and characteristic colors of the Muong ethnic group in Thanh Son District.

This dish was originally created only to serve family meals, but the locality has oriented its development so that people can sell it on the culinary market. Starting from there, the traditional dish was sold throughout Phu Tho province and through some big brands such as Thanh Son sour meat, Truong food sour meat,… spread to the whole country.

Phu Tho sour meat - A unique specialty of the Muong people that you should try

Phu Tho sour meat Positively contribute to the local economy and improve people's income. Phu Tho sour meat products also contribute to promoting and building a positive image of the Muong people in Thanh Son district. At the same time, it also contributes to the development of Phu Tho province's tourism industry.

To meet the increasing demand for sour meat, Muong people constantly change recipes and spices to better suit consumers' tastes or introduce new products such as sour meat with garlic and chili, canned meat. box.

Thanks to such product development, Thanh Son district alone has about 40 sour meat production establishments of three types: enterprise models, cooperatives and production facilities. With such an advantage, the locality has turned sour meat into an OCOP product.

3. How to make Phu Tho sour meat

Why always buy from outside if you can make large quantities of sour meat for your family and loved ones to enjoy. The following, will show you how to do it Phu Tho sour meat attractive flavor.

3.1. Prepare materials

Ingredients are always an important step because they will affect the cooking process or the flavor of the dish when diners use it. To ensure that dishes Thanh Son Phu Tho sour meat If your food is as flavorful as possible, try to prepare all the ingredients.

  • Pork belly and pork belly are divided in a ratio of 10:2 or 8:2, meaning every 1kg of meat will come with 200g of rice. If you want a more aromatic scent, 1kg of meat needs 250g of scent.
  • Seasoning powder: for every 1kg of meat, there will be 1.5 – 2 teaspoons full.
  • Pepper: Depending on taste, according to the recipe of Truong Foods sour meat is 2/3 teaspoon of black pepper.
  • Mince garlic and chili according to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt and half teaspoon MSG.
  • Wash and drain 20 large, beautiful guava leaves

Phu Tho pickled meat - A unique specialty of the Muong people that you should try

Some notes when choosing pork:

Choose pork with a bright pink color that is not too light and make sure the pork does not have a bad smell because when the meat starts to smell bad, the meat has already started to go rancid. There are many pieces of meat that, even though they have a beautiful pink color, will still smell bad when smelled.

Phu Tho pickled meat - A unique specialty of the Muong people that you should try

To ensure toughness and attractiveness in the finished product, choose meat with good elasticity and firmness. Choose meat that is lean and has no tendons so that the meat is not too tough and difficult for people with weak teeth to chew.

3.2. Prepare meat

After buying the pork, wash it thoroughly and then let it drain. Then separate the lean meat and fat.

Lean meat is sauteed briefly so that the color changes evenly on all sides. After sauteing, cut into bite-sized pieces, depending on your preference. It's best to slice the meat a little thin so that the meat is chewy enough that everyone can eat it.

Phu Tho pickled meat - A unique specialty of the Muong people that you should try

The skin (fat) is torched and sauteed until about 80% cooked. After the pork skin has cooled, slice it into thin slices the same size as the lean meat. The pieces of meat must be sliced ​​evenly to avoid uneven fermentation.

3.3. Marinate meat & mix well

Add the prepared spices to marinate the meat, then mix well and squeeze vigorously so that the spices are absorbed evenly. The more thoroughly you mix and squeeze, the more the meat will absorb and the more flavorful it will be. The flavor needs harmony from spices, but seasoning will create a softer taste than salt or MSG Suggested for more seasoning.

Phu Tho pickled meat - A unique specialty of the Muong people that you should try

After an hour of incubation, the meat will arrive and you will begin to enter the hearing room. Just mix it evenly and gradually add it into the bowl of marinated meat. Be sure not to add too little or too much as it will cause the finished product to spoil.

You slowly sprinkle the ginseng and mix well until the ginseng sticks evenly on the surface of each piece of meat. At this point, if the meat is dry and no longer wet, you have succeeded in this step.

3.4. Ferment meat

At this step, you are already very successful, but even so, you still need to be meticulous in this final step. First, choose a good quality glass or plastic container to incubate the meat.

Phu Tho pickled meat - A unique specialty of the Muong people that you should try

First, choose fresh guava leaves, washed and drained to use as lining on the bottom of the box. The number of guava leaves lining the bottom will range from 8-9 leaves, depending on the size of each leaf and the size of the box. Next, you will place each piece of meat into the jar carefully and continuously until the jar is full. Then, use your hands or a spoon to press the meat firmly, to remove air between the pieces of meat and help the jar of meat pack more tightly.

Phu Tho pickled meat - A unique specialty of the Muong people that you should try

If there is air between the pieces of meat, it will cause the sour meat to spoil during the fermentation process. After compressing, you will add guava leaves on top to completely cover the meat and then close the lid. Finally, you put the product in a dry, cool place, away from sunlight for about 3-4 days.

3.5. Results and preservation

Your finished product has a mild sour smell and a sweet aroma. Guava leaves don't get moldy and just dry out. The meat inside must be golden in color and have an attractive aroma. Phu Tho sour meat To prepare the dish, eat it with guava leaves, polyscias fruticosa leaves or fig leaves dipped in chili sauce.

Phu Tho sour meat - A unique specialty of the Muong people that you should trySour meat is best after opening for 3 days and a maximum of 7 days. If left for a long time, it will become sour or become inedible. You can put it in the refrigerator to preserve it longer, but it's best to use it within the above time period.

Phu Tho sour meat - A unique specialty of the Muong people that you should try

If the box has not been opened, store it in the refrigerator and can be used within 1 – 2 months depending on the success of processing.

4. The most prestigious sour meat brand in the country

4.1. Truong Foods sour meat

Famous on Shark Tank, Phu Tho sour meat Truong Foods is a very common name that is often mentioned when thinking about sour meat across the country.

Phu Tho sour meat - A unique specialty of the Muong people that you should try

Truong Foods' sour meat uses clean ingredients and is certified for food hygiene and safety, so you can always use it with peace of mind or buy it as a gift.

4.2. Sour meat from Dat To

This is also a very popular Phu Tho meat company because the ingredients are all selected from the cleanest organic farms.

Phu Tho sour meat - A unique specialty of the Muong people that you should try

Dat To sour meat also has clear documents and a food safety certificate so that diners can trust and feel secure when using it.

Above is all the information you need to know about Phu Tho sour meat. Stay tuned to know more about other specialties.