Thanh Hoa tourism has never stopped being hot because it has many beautiful places to explore. Coming to Thanh, tourists definitely must not miss Pu Luong – a mountainous region with wild and poetic natural scenery. So What is there to do in Pu Luong?, what is there to experience? Let's Take a look at the top 10 famous check-in spots in Pu Luong.

1. What to do in Pu Luong? Pu Luong locations attract tourists

1.1. Kho Muong Village – What is there to do in Pu Luong?

Kho Muong village is a hot tourist destination in Pu Luong that you cannot miss. This is known as the place where the White Thai ethnic people have lived for many generations. Kho Muong village is not only a beautiful natural picture but also a place imbued with the culture and traditional customs of the Thai people.

What to do in Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

When arriving at Ban Kho Muong, visitors will be immersed in the magnificent and majestic natural scenery of Pu Luong valley. Immense green mountains, terraced fields and small gurgling streams create a picture of paradise.

Learning about the traditional culture and customs of the ethnic people here is also worth exploring. You can participate in traditional activities such as farming, brocade weaving and immerse yourself in traditional festivals.

What to do in Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

What to do in Pu Luong? Ban Kho Muong is a perfect destination for those who are passionate about exploring, learning and enjoying pristine nature along with the traditional culture of local people.

1.2. Ban Don – Con Nuoc

What is there to do in Pu Luong?? The next attraction for tourists is Ban Don – Con Nuoc. This is also the residence of Thai people for many generations. The scenery of Ban Don – Con Nuoc has a simple and rustic beauty, reminiscent of the image of a traditional village. The small stream gurgling through the village is extremely cool and pure.

What to do in Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

What is there to do in Pu Luong?? Coming to this village, visitors are also attracted by the majestic mountains and lush green rice fields. The natural scenery is extremely poetic and peaceful, captivating anyone.

What to do in Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

When you arrive at Ban Don – Con Nuoc, you will have the opportunity to experience the simple life and immerse yourself in the unique culture of the Thai people. Visitors can participate in activities such as learning to weave fabrics and visiting traditional handicraft workshops.

1.3. Pu Luong Peak – What is there to do in Pu Luong?

What's beautiful about going to Pu Luong?? Coming to this beautiful land, you must definitely conquer Pu Luong Peak. The majesty and wildness of Pu Luong Mountain have attracted many tourists to challenge themselves by climbing to the top of the mountain.

What is beautiful about Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

Conquering this mountain requires determination and physical strength. When climbing to the top of Pu Luong, you can freely enjoy the vast space, admire the pristine natural scenery and enjoy the feeling of being immersed in nature.

What is beautiful about Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

What is there to do in Pu Luong?? Then you should come to this mountain to see the vast sea of ​​clouds like heaven. The feeling of your hand gently touching the cloud brings a wonderful experience that cannot be tried anywhere. To have a better experience, you can set up camp on Pu Luong peak to relax and rest overnight. Immersing yourself in nature, gazing at the starry sky at night will bring an exciting journey.

1.4. Hieu Waterfall

Many tourists wonder What is there to do in Pu Luong? But why is it so attractive? In this mountainous region, you cannot help but visit Hieu Waterfall. This place is known as a beautiful natural symbol in the Thanh Hoa region, having conquered thousands of hearts of those who love to explore.

What is beautiful about Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

When you set foot at Hieu Waterfall, you will immediately be fascinated by the wild scenery and full of natural beauty. The lush green forest rising high and the rushing white waterfall contribute to creating a very impressive scene.

What is beautiful about Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

Coming to Hieu Waterfall, you will not only enjoy the beautiful natural scenery but also have the opportunity to participate in interesting experiential activities. You can relax right at the foot of the waterfall, immerse yourself in the cool water or climb to the top of the waterfall. Hieu Waterfall is probably the ideal place to enjoy silence and comfort, away from the noise of the city.

2. What is beautiful about Pu Luong? Discover the most beautiful check-in spots in Pu Luong

2.1. Ban Son – Ba – Muoi

Compounded by 3 villages: Ban Son, Ban Ba ​​and Ban Muoi, this place is always an attractive destination in Pu Luong Nature Reserve. Tourists are confused What is there to do in Pu Luong? Don't forget to come here to visit. For those who love adventure travel and wish to learn more about culture, nature and the lives of local people, Ban Son – Ba – Muoi is a great destination.

What is beautiful about Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

Located at an altitude exceeding 1,000 meters above sea level, Ban Son – Ba – Muoi takes visitors on an exciting and challenging journey. With an ideal altitude and cool temperatures from 18 degrees Celsius to 20 degrees Celsius, this place is cool all year round, not as hot as in the city.

What is beautiful about Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

The scenery in these villages is always peaceful and pristine. Here, Thai culture is currently preserved with traditional customs. When you visit, you can easily see simple stilt houses. Ban Son – Ba – Muoi is the perfect answer to the question What is there to do in Pu Luong? of many tourists.

2.2. Pho Doan market

What is there to do in Pu Luong?, what is the experience? Pho Doan market is the next attraction in the journey to the mountainous region of Pu Luong. Only 150km from the city center, the market always attracts the attention of many people looking for new experiences and learning about local culture.

What is beautiful about Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

Pho Doan market brings the beauty of the North Central countryside. The market opens on 2 mornings, Thursday and Sunday. The market space is always bustling and full of life. At Pho Doan market, you can find a variety of goods from traditional products. Fresh wild vegetables, unique brocade, succulent fruits, and delicious Can wine are all on sale.

Pho Doan market What is there to do in Pu Luong?? Not only is it a shopping place, Pho Doan market also carries unique cultural values. This is a place to meet and exchange, expressing local lifestyle and culture.

2.3. Thac Mo – What is beautiful about Pu Luong?

When arriving in Xu Thanh, many tourists wonder What is there to do in Pu Luong?? An impressive destination located quite close to Doan Street market is Thac Mo. Mo waterfall flows from the rocky ravines on top of Muon mountain. This is where you can enjoy the natural beauty in Pu Luong Nature Reserve.

What to do in Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

Mo Waterfall pours strongly from the top of the mountain, creating a graceful and beautiful image. The waterfall flows into the heart of a valley several hectares larger, from there it continues to flow into the hillside and forms small cascades. That has created an enchanting beauty, captivating first-time visitors.

What to do in Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

Besides admiring the wild beauty of Mo waterfall, you will also hear legends about love between boys and girls. Besides, tourists should not forget to visit the village near Thac Mo to explore culture and enjoy cuisine.

3. What to do in Pu Luong? Famous destinations in Pu Luong cannot be missed

3.1. Cham Stream – What is beautiful about Pu Luong?

Arrive What is there to do in Pu Luong?? You must definitely experience bamboo rafting on Cham stream. This activity will bring you extremely impressive experiences of enjoying nature. Sitting on a gentle bamboo raft, drifting slowly on the fresh water of the Cham stream, you will be immersed in the fresh and peaceful beauty of the green mountains and forests.

What to do in Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

The clear and peaceful Cham Stream creates a peaceful and poetic space. When you sit on the bamboo raft, you will feel the slowness and gentleness of life here.

The water flows through the stream, creating soothing sounds, mixed with the chirping of cicadas, like the music of the mountains and forests. Visitors will also be attracted by the mountain scenery covered with white clouds, creating a majestic and poetic picture.

What to do in Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

3.2. Ban Hieu

A beautiful village that you should visit when coming to Pu Luong is Ban Hieu. The road from Canh Nang town to the village really created a beautiful and interesting experience. In particular, during the ripe rice season, the terraced fields along both sides of the road begin to turn yellow, creating a romantic and attractive scene.

What to do in Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

The Thai ethnic people in Ban Hieu have lived for a long time, with a unique culture. Walking around the village, you will definitely be surprised by 5 rushing waterfalls. The clear blue waterfalls are where you can enjoy the cool and refreshing feeling.

What to do in Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

Ban Hieu What is there to do in Pu Luong?? Not only can visitors freely splash around the waterfalls, they are also captivated by the customs, traditions and many typical festivals.

3.3. Bat Cave – What is there to do in Pu Luong?

What is there to do in Pu Luong?? Coming to this pristine land, you can also visit a famous cave located in Kho Muong village – Bat Cave. To get to the cave, you will have to cross a path with many challenges and adventures. The entrance of Bat Cave creates a feeling of suspense and excitement, promising an exciting adventure.

What to do in Pu Luong? Top 10 most beautiful Pu Luong tourist destinations

Once you enter the cave, you will be fascinated by its wild and majestic beauty. The cave is large, containing limestone blocks hundreds of millions of years old. These stone blocks carry with them the strength and antiquity of time. Exploring this cave, you seem to be immersed in peace and quiet.

What is there to do in Pu Luong?? Pu Luong with countless attractive attractions and impressive culture will help you have a memorable journey. Wishing you a complete trip to Pu Luong and many memories.